Monday, October 11, 2010


Why can't I focus? I have always been bad at it, but's just depressing. I have tons of homework to do, and I have to look for jobs, and write my stupid novel and try to make the previous stupid novel less stupid, AND the house is a mess even though I just cleaned it, WTF.

But no, I do homework for five minutes, then spend half an hour poking at the internet, and trying to find the kitten, who has come back twice since the first day I saw her, and eating some pie, and staring out the window, and OH HEY, THEO IS HOME...

I am not even able to focus on blogging about how I can't focus. Why? Why does this happen? Where is that kitten? What is wrong with me?

Also Theo just grabbed my fingers and made me type this: Jam is tasty.Yum jam!

This will not end well.


  1. Try any of the following:

    1. Put a dish of jam out for the kitten.
    2. Add a kitten who likes jam to your novel.
    3. Put "feeding jam to kittens" on your resume.
    4. Promise Theo jam if he helps clean.
    5. Recite the word "jam" as a mantra to help you focus.

    *wonders why her brain is suddenly fixated on jam*

    ~ Diana

  2. Hee. Your comments always make my day. It's funny, because Theo has actually done more cleaning today than I have (though I deep cleaned ALL THE THINGS last week there) and we are, in fact, out of jam. Maybe I should go buy some...

  3. Theres nothing wrong with you. I am the same way! LOL Can't stay on anyhting more than 5 minutes. That kitty didn't come back?? He musta went home then!

  4. The kitten has been back a couple of times, but not always. Stupid kitten, having her own life.
