Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is it really only Tuesday?

Last night I went out with some friends, to catch the final dress of Hair at the University (free final dresses open to the public are one of my favorite things, since I am too poor to go to theater otherwise). It was an entertaining show, and a good time, right up until I got into my car to go home. At that point, my car decided it was time to stop being a car and start being a lifeless box on wheels.

No power. Ok, the battery was dead, I called AAA and asked for a jump and they sent a tow truck. After a lot of trouble, which the truck guy attributed to his cables being faulty, the car started and I went home.

I pulled into my parking spot, turned off the car, and it promptly went dead again. No dome light, nothing. Attempts to start it again were useless. I even had to lock it manually, since the automatic locks were out.

So this morning I called for another tow truck, and got towed to a shop, where I was told they wouldn't have time to look at it until tomorrow. So I hiked back home, wishing it had happened either earlier or later in the week--we were going to go shopping today, so are pretty low on food things. Also, Theo has a bad cold, so I am trying to get him healthy and not get sick.

So far, this is not my favorite week.


  1. Well if its a bad week chances are the next ones gonna be better! Hang in there. It sounds like a connection prob with the battery! You think even a bad one would have charged a little going home. I carry one of those self contained power boxes so you can jump yourself. It does come in handy and they are pretty cheap now. You should get one. Sick is going around. Keep your distance for a bit. :P

  2. I suppose I should follow up. I got a new battery--the old one was, according to the mechanic, "super dead". Theo is better and I managed to stay healthy, but I did get called for jury duty. Still not a great week, but it could be worse.

  3. You just got nominated for the Crappy Week Award! Start working on that acceptance speech - I hear the statue is shiny. :D
    Seriously, that was an unfortunate series of events. I'm glad you're still healthy, poor Theo is better, and I assume your car is running again.
    So how do you feel about jury duty? I've never been called to do that - pretty sure I dropped off the city's radar somehow.

    ~ Diana

  4. I am hoping I will be excused from the jury, since it is in my hometown, which is 165 miles from where I am now. Otherwise, I will just deal I guess. I have been called before but they settled before it went to trial.
